
Soft Diet Food Suggestion

Soft diet is a diet that aims to reduce the work load of the digestive system. Proper food selection will provide both the person's nutrient needs together with the rest of the digestive system's needs.
Choose foods low in cellulose content like banana, apple, chayote, carrots, green papaya, upo, squash preferably without skin and seeds, fish and meat with no tough connective tissue, polished rice and white bread rather than whole grain cereals. Avoid foods that have caffeine, alcohol, pepper, spicy foods like instant noodles, chips, spicy nuts, sauces, and fatty foods. They can cause discomfort and irritation.

List of Soft diet food Suggestion:
Foods Rich in Carbohydrates - white or polished rice, white bread, crackers, noodles, pastries, root crops like potato, oatmeal and dry cereals
Foods Rick in Protein - tokwa or tufo, gluten, vegetarian products, cooked legumes and nuts, meat and fish without tendons and ligaments
Vegetables - chayote, carrots, upo, squash, eggplants, radish and cucumber
Fruits - all (preferably soft) without skin or seeds
Beverages - all except those that are not allowed like coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcohol beverages, wine and liquor
Desserts - all that is not fatty

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